Ninja Classes

Ninja Classes

Class Structure

SGA Ninja classes are divided by age so students will always be in a class with peers of a similar age. Each class day Ninja will gain experience and practice on our brand new ninja course. This course will change every month to create new and fun challenges to keep our students learning and having fun!

During class we use drills, stations, and skill break-downs that allow Ninjas to learn the skills easier and feel success through achieving smaller stepping stone goals along the way to achieving a new skill. A large part of Ninja is physical strength, body awareness, and spatial awareness. Students six years old and up will progress through our Ninja levels based on their own individual progress.  


Mini Ninjas: 4 to 5 years old

The Mini Ninjas program is offered to children ages four to five years old and is structured to help our students with LISTENING and SOCIALIZATION skills while working on increasing STRENGTH, COORDINATION, and SELF -CONFIDENCE. This is done with a variety of skills and equipment that encourages practically every movement the body is capable of.  The instructional philosophy for Mini Ninjas class places the emphasis on the gross motor skills gained while experiencing the ninja way of movement!

Ninjas in Training: 6 to 7 years old

The Ninjas in Training program is offered to children ages six to seven years old. We offer a progressive level system using a series of skill-building activities meant to test and challenge children both mentally and physically. This program was created to form a strong base of knowledge and skills of our Ninja Program. It is a great way to encourage and educate high-energy children to use their energy in fun and constructive ways.

Master Ninjas: 8 years and up

The Master Ninjas program is offered to children ages eight and up. The Master Ninjas program is designed to help children continue to build their ninja skills at an advanced and fast-paced level. Children in this program will experience precise skill-building and strength training in an effort to achieve mastery of advanced ninja skills while having fun.

Click Here to Register for Classes!